PMHB, July 2009

PMHB, July 2009







Front Matter


Anxious Hospitality: Indian "Loitering" at Fort Allen, 1756-1761
by Daniel Ingram

A Common Law of Membership: Expulsion, Regulation, and Civil Society in the Early Republic
by Kevin Butterfield

Exhibit Review

A Common Canvas
by Eliza Jane Reilly

Book Reviews

Dorwart, Invasion and Insurrection: Security, Defense, and War in the Delaware Valley, 1621-1815
by Nathan Kozuskanich

Beiler, Immigrant and Entrepreneur: The Atlantic World of Caspar Wistar, 1650-1750
by Simone A. Wegge

Roberts and Roberts, Thomas Barclay (1728-1793): Consul in France, Diplomat in Barbary
by Christine E. Sears

Pangle, The Political Philosophy of Benjamin Franklin
by Carla Mulford

Houston, Benjamin Franklin and the Politics of Improvement
by Shane Ralston

Brown, Frontiersman: Daniel Boone and the Making of America
by Daniel Blake Smith

Fatherly, Gentlewomen and Learned Ladies: Women and Elite Formation in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia
by Mary Kelley

Rust, Prodigal Daughters: Susanna Rowson's Early American Women
by Cynthia A. Kierner

Kaplan, Men of Letters in the Early Republic: Cultivating Forums of Citizenship
by Matthew Hale

Haltman, Looking Close and Seeing Far: Samuel Seymour, Titian Ramsay Peale, and the Art of the Long Expedition, 1818-1823
by Patricia Tyson Stroud

McGoogan, Race to the Polar Sea: The Heroic Adventures of Elisha Kent Kane
by Robert S. Cox

Jeffrey, Abolitionists Remember: Antislavery Autobiographies and the Unfinished Work of Emancipation
by Mitch Kachun

Lewis, Welsh Americans: A History of Assimilation in the Coalfields
by John H. M. Laslett

Slavishak, Bodies of Work: Civic Display and Labor in Industrial Pittsburgh
by Gregory L. Kaster

Warren, Bethlehem Steel: Builder and Arsenal of America
by Lance Metz

Moss and Crane, Historic Landmarks of Philadelphia
by George E. Thomas

Guenther, Sports in Pennsylvania
by Rich Westcott

McKee, The Problem of Jobs: Liberalism, Race, and Deindustrialization in Philadelphia
by Michael B. Katz