Preserving American Freedom in the Classroom

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David Reader wrote the lessons plans for Preserving American Freedom and talks about as a teacher using primary sources in the classroom and how other teachers can utilize Preserving American Freedom in their own classrooms as well.
David Reader is in his fourteenth year as a history teacher at Camden Catholic High School in Cherry Hill, NJ. He received a B.A. in History from LaSalle University and has a Master’s Degree in both History and Political Science from Villanova University. In 2007, David was awarded the James Madison Memorial Senior Fellowship for the state of New Jersey to the study of the Constitution. He has written book reviews for The History Teacher (published by the Society for History Education), an entry on the French Revolution in The Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia, and biographical sketches on the recipients of the Philadelphia Award for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In the summer of 2012, he was awarded the Freedom Teacher Fellowship at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania to develop a teacher’s component to the Bank of America’s “Preserving American Freedom” project.