Dr. Earl Danford Bond

Home Dr. Earl Danford Bond

Dr. Earl Danford Bond

From the Philadelphia Record Photograph Morgue [V07]. 

Bond was regarded as one of the leading psychiatrists in America, a pioneer in his field.  In 1913 Bond came to Philadelphia, to take the position of medical director of the department for mental and nervous diseases at Pennsylvania Hospital.  There, he oversaw in-patient and out-patient services for people who were delusional or suffered from nervous disorders.  In 1930 Bond left this position to become director of the Institute; during this year he also became a professor of psychiatry at the Graduate School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.  Bond believed that psychiatric treatment should be available to patients on a sliding scale, while conceding that full-scale psychoanalysis or residency at the Institute’s luxurious rooms was primarily for well-to-do patients.  The problems to be treated by the new psychiatric therapy at the Institute were such problems of “everyday people” as “sleeplessness, fatigue, fears, depressions, shyness and feelings of inferiority.”