Journal C of Station No. 2, William Still, 1855, 3

Home Journal C of Station No. 2, William Still, 1855, 3

Journal C of Station No. 2, William Still, 1855, 3

 (2)                        Jan. 18th 1855
Arrived__ Geo. Walker [1], new name Austin Valentine, arrived from Petersburg per St. P.[2]  Austin is about 43, 6 feet high, well built, and intelligent_  He had been owned by Eliza Jones of Petersburg.  Geo. was moved to leave for the reason that he desired to be a free man,  Had worked in a Tobacco Factory as the Forman_ Had been married twice_ not being allowed by his owner to keep his first wife by whom he had had 6 children, he was obliged to leave her & take another.
       This story is thrilling but time will not allow for it to be fined[3].
       Bebley Good[4] came in Company with Geo. Val.  Is 24 yrs of age, dark, medium size Smart, &c  Had been owned by Richd Perry of Petersburg
       Bebley left behind a Mother and other relatives.

                             Jan. 20/55
(1) Arrived_ Adam Brooks[5] new name Wm Smith, arrived from Hardtown, Montgomery Co, Md._ Had been owned by John Phillips.  The fear of being sold was the cause of his escape.  his Mother, Bro. & Sister having had to share that fate only 2 yr’s previous.  Wm is Small of Stature, black, of pleasant appearance, and intelligent_ According to his storry he had been hard used_ After he escaped into this state he was pursued &c.

 (1)                        Jan. 29th 1855
Arrived_ Sheridan Ford [6] safely arrived from Portmouth, where he had been held by Elizabeth Brown, single woman.
       Sheridan is about 28 yr’s of age_ Dark molato, well built and tall_ First made the effort to escape on the 14th of last Nov._ was induced so to do to keep from being sold_ as plans were then being arranged for the sale_ The first day he passed in the woods, in prayer; at night was Secreted, and remained so for 4 days_ two days suffered severly with cold hungar, thirst &c. His protector got into a difficulty consequently he obliged to leave the place where he was first secreted _ after passing several mos. in his secluded state he at last found a fr’d who brought him safe here, not without a pretty handsome pecuniary consideration, however_ Of the treatment he had received, as a general thing, he did not very much complain, though,
To use his own language the “best usage was bad enough”.  he had however received a most brutal flogging a while before he left by being tied up_ by his hands _
       He left a wife, in Prison_ having been put there on account of the escape of her husband_ She was to be sold.  The wife had suffered very severely as a slave_ had very commonly been flogged_ had rec’d a cut on her head_ been starved, &c &c  Her name is Julia_ and she had two children, but had never been allowed the priviledge of their care

                            Jan. 30/55
(1)Arrived_ Sarah A, Dunagan [7] arrived from Del.  Said She was born free but had been bound out by her Mother to a man by the name of Geo. Churchman, who was cruel to her_ Having no one to care for her_, She was liable to be sold. a fate which had been threatened, which was the cause of her escaping.  She had been much abused by flogging &c  age 18 yr’s_ molato, medium size &c.  Left her mother living in New Castle Del. Anna Eliza Kingslow alias Dunagan

                             Jan, 30/55
(1)Arrived Joseph Hall [8] fr. Son of Joseph Hall of Norfolk.  Forwarded.

[1] After settling in Toronto, Canada West, George Walker continued to seek his wife who remained in Petersburg.  See the letter in Still, Underground Rail Road, 311-12.

[2] The steamship, Pennsylvania.

[3] Finished.

[4] Beverly Good had been prompted to use the underground railroad after a covert local agent had approached him.  He settled with his friend, George Walker, in Toronto, Canada West.  Still, Underground Rail Road, 311-12.

[5] Further details on Adam Brooks and his settlement in Canada are contained in Still, Underground Rail Road, 312-13.

[6] Sheridan Ford escaped slavery in Virginia when he was secreted onboard a steamship going to Philadelphia.  The Vigilance Committee helped him remove to Boston where he longed to reside.  It “must be a pretty safe place for the fugitive,” he said, because he had heard the slaveholders curse it so much.  Still, Underground Rail Road, 67-68.  In February 1855, Sheridan sent a letter to Still from Boston seeking his urgent assistance in securing the release of his wife and child from a jail in Norfolk, Virginia.  Still, Underground Rail Road, 42-43.

[7] Although born legally free, Sarah Dunagan feared that she would never secure that freedom.  Thus, she determined to flee north.  Still, Underground Rail Road, 313.

[8] Joseph Hall is briefly mentioned in Still, Underground Rail Road, 313.

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