This Author's Posts
This Author's Posts
An Introduction to the HSP Image Viewer
![]() Those of you who have been following our Historical Images, New Technologies (HINT) Project closely will be aware that the project involves development of our Digital Library image viewer for use and integration with TEI-encoded annotations. Friday, 10/24/14 5:03 pm
How to Ask for a Cup of Coffee in 32 Languages
![]() Coffee is such a normal, frequent occurence both inside and outside the walls of HSP that we often don't think twice about it beyond our daily morning pilgrimage. It ensures that those who drink it stay awake, functional, and most of all, pleasant enough to conquer the day, so much so that among the Folgers and Nescafé commercials and the Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks bus ads, marketers have tapped into our need of coffee to make it commonplace, routine, and universal. Wednesday, 5/30/12 10:56 am
These American Lives
With part two of the Digital Center for Americana project underway, collections coming up the digital library pipeline include family album watercolors and oral history sound recordings that provide unique glimpses into Philadelphia family life, as well as how family life changes when individuals leave their country of origin for Philadelphia. Friday, 8/26/11 4:01 pm