D. Boadley, Philadelphia, 1787

D. Boadley, Philadelphia, 1787

PAS Papers Box 4A Manumissions
Habeas Corpus Actions


Alexr Ewing of Little Briton Township Lancaster County within about 2 miles from Bald fryers Ferry – he moved into this State about 3 or 4 years & according to Law the following persons are free as Soon as the arrived into this State    Viz:

1_ Robert Boadly  aged 27 years who has been with Ewing about 10 years & Not Registered he beleiving himself to be free  Left his master & came to Jno Smiths & had been with him about 2 weeks when a ______ McCan (to whom Ewing had sold him for £100 with a Design to Deprive him of his freedom) David Bradin & a John Carmickle Came to D Smiths knocked Bob Down & after Beating him Exceedingly Carried him off with them
2d_ Quash  aged abt 24 years was with him before Bob came to ?him?
3rd_ Wallace  aged abt 20 years bout of Geo. Ligate at the Head of Elk – about 3 years ago –
4th Becky aged abt 22 or 23 years bout of Robert Stokes at Haver de grass about 8 years ago
5th Dick. Aged abt 7 years  Son of Becky                        }  born
6th James aged abt 5 years _ “    _     “                           }  in
7th George Boadly abt 6 years old  Son of Ruth Boadly     }  Ewings family
         David Bra?y?din about 1 mile from A. Ewings   hath
X Ruth Boadly aged 22 years – abt 4 years in Braydins famil __ family  ____
Jane Boadly abt 3 Or 4 years old  Daughter of Ruth
X Jane Boadley 18 years of Age – whom George Ewings bout of William Ewing abt 5 years ago  G Ewing Dying, the Widdow married one Toppin of New Castle Last winter. who was Taking her home was followed by Braydin & Taken away from him by force

                                                          4 m 3rd 1787
Took out 3 Writs of Heabus Corpus against David Braydon for the Removal of Robert Boadly Ruth Boadly & Jane Boadly the Elder(. before Judge Atley) to appears in Philadelphia to appear on 7th Day the 14th of this month_____

Abraham Medcalf }
Jos. Harlan          } ?to be? Suppeend as Evidences for
James Arbuckel   } the Plantif

John Smith to  John Poltney[1]

[1] John Poultney, an ironmonger, lived on Fourth Street between Market and Chesnut Streets in Philadelphia in 1785.  He was an active member of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society in 1787 and was one of the leaders that year of the petition campaign intended to end the state’s involvement with the Atlantic slave trade.  Francis White, The Philadelphia Directory (1785), 59.