PAS Papers Box 4B Manumissions
Miscellaneous cases considered by the Acting Committee, 1784-1821
1. The eldest female is about 40 years of ages & has 7 child.
The eldest child a female about 16 or 17 years of age
“ 2nd – do[1] “ 13 –
“ 3rd male “ 10”
4th female “ 8”
5 male “ 4 or 5”
6 female “ 3
7 D[2] “ 4 weeks
2. The next eldest woman is about 35 & has 2 children
Eldest a male about 14 or 15 years of age
Youngest female 13 “ ”
3. Another woman is between 20 & 25 years has two children
A male about 4 & one about 2 years of age
4. Another woman about 21 or 2 has 3 children
A male about 7 a female about 3 & a
male nearly 2 years of age
5. Another woman about 25 with one child about one year old
The ages of the men about as follows
one 45 two 25
two 40 one 21
one 30
They are all generally healthy
7 Men
6 Women
15 Children
28 Whole numbers
Questions requested to be answered in the 1st Letter -
1st Will the abolition Society or any other person or persons take upon themselves to the see that the adult emancipated negroes be placed in a situation to get a subsistence by honest industry- Will they undertake to see that the children be provided for & placed in comfortable situations?
2nd What will be the best method of emancipation, will it be best to do it by deed in Virginia or ought it to be done in Penna?
3rd Would it be best to emancipate the children by deed retaining their services until a certain period or vesting this service in the Abolition Society (if that Soy will accept)or any other person willing so to undertake?
For case of their emancipation the owner will deliver the negroes in Phila at his own expence but will not incur any further charge.
[1] Ditto
[2] Ditto