PAS Papers. Box 4A Manumissions
“Habeas Corpus Actions”
Robt Philsons
dischage of
Recorded in Penna
Abolition Societies
Manumission Book
F page 79
Copy of Record
Fees 80 Cents
By Act of Assembly 1785
Somerset CountyJ s.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Joseph Karr & William Kelly Greeting We command you that the bodies of Negroes: Berry. Moses. Abraham John. James, Henry, George, William Benjamin Susanna Hagar & Susanna all in prison under your custody as it is said detained by whatsoever name the said negroes may be charged in the same, under safe & secure conduct, together with the day & cause of them being taken & detained you have before Robert Philson Esquire one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas in and for the said County of Somerset, at the house of James Clark in the Town of Somerset forthwith, then and there to submit, do, and receive whatsoever the said Judge shall consider in that behalf. And have you then there this writ. Witness the Honorable Thomas Cooper Esquire at Somerset the ninth day of May Anno Domini MDCCCV
Otho Shrader Prothy
Allowed Js Robert Philson
To the honorable Judge within named. We the undersigned respectfully return that we are Agents of Lewis Evans & George Overacre who are the owners of the negroes within named, tho’ some of them by different names than herein stated, which negroes they hold as slaves, and are now brought from the state of Maryland and are now taking to the Territory of Mississippi after their masters, the waggon containing house hold furniture and other goods of the said Masters are now on their way to Wheeling in Virginia to take boating for the said Territory, and the evidence of the property in the said negroes— is in the possession of their said masters who are now at Wheeling aforesaid as we expect
Joseph Karr
So answer
Abram Kelly
On motion & argument of Messrs Selby & Ward for the Commonwealth the within named negroes are discharged from their confinement, 31st July 1805.
Robert Philson
SomersetCounty Js,
J Otho Shrader Prothonotary of the Court of Common pleas in & for the said County of Somerset do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the records remaining in my office. In Testimony, whereof I have have here set my hand & affixed the Seal of said county the first day of August Anno Domini M,DCCCV. Oth Shrader Prothy