PMHB, July 2008

PMHB, July 2008







Front Matter

In Memory


"Alive to the Cry of Distress": Joseph and Jane Sill and Poor Relief in Antebellum Philadelphia
by Trisha Posey

Robert Hare: Politics, Science, and Spiritualsim in the Early Republic
by Timothy W. Kneeland

Review Essay

Matters of Perspective: Interpreting the Revolutionary Frontier
by Patrick Spero

Book Reviews

Yount, How the Quakers Invented America
by Steven Gimber

Moyer, Wild Yankees: The Struggle for Independence along Pennsylvania's Revolutionary Frontier
by Thomas J. Humphrey

Silver, Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America
by David Dixon

Weisberger, Hupchick, and Anderson, eds., Profiles of Revolutionaries in Atlantic History, 1700-1850
by Matthew L. Harris

Bowers, Joseph Priestly and English Unitarianism in America
by Eric R. Schlereth

Soderlund and Parzynski, eds., Backcountry Crucibles: The Lehigh Valley from Settlement to Steel
by John B. Frantz

Kilbride, An American Aristocracy: Southern Planters in Antebellum Philadelphia
by David Moltke-Hansen

Lehman and Nolt, Mennonites, Amish, and the America Civil War
by Max L. Carter

David, Fanny Kemble: A Performed Life
by Catherine Clinton

Eisenstadt, Carnegie's Model Republic: Trimphant Democracy and the British-American Relationship
by John A. Baird Jr.

Werbel, Thomas Eakins: Art, Medicine, and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century Philadelphia
by Alan C. Braddock

Currá and Matkosky, Stories from the Mines
by Walter Licht

Kriebel, Powwowing among the Pennsylvania Dutch: A Traditional Medical Practice in the Modern World
by Karol K. Weaver

Macht, Connie Mack and the Early Years of Baseball
by Jerrold Casway

Sanger, Helen Clay Frick: Bittersweet Heiress
by Smadar Shtuhl

Lytle, The Gentle Subversive: Rachel Carson, "Silent Spring," and the Rise of the Environmental Movement
by Patricia M. DeMarco

Wolfinger, Philadelphia Divided: Race and Politics in the City of Brotherly Love
by Karl E. Johnson

O'Toole, Sweet William: The Life of Billy Conn
by Karen Guenther

Keels, Forgotten Philadelphia: Lost Architecture of the Quaker City
by Roger W. Moss

Kashatus, Almost a Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the 1980 Phillies
by John Shiffert