Research by Mail

Home Services Research by Mail

Research by Mail

To submit your research request, please fill out the below form. Your credit card will be billed upon your submission. There is a minimum of two hours to begin research. If you would like to request more than two hours of research in the beginning, please use the “Additional Hours” order form instead. A staff member will also contact you if it is determined your request requires additional hours.

Standard fees for this service are $70 per hour; $50 per hour for Friends of HSP.** The research fee includes the cost of up to 20 photocopied pages of supporting documents.

Research requests take approximately 6-8 weeks to process. If you would like us to complete your request within 2 weeks, please use Rush Service (an additional $20 per hour).

If you prefer to mail or email your request, you may use a PDF version of this form. Your payment will be processed, once the research is completed. If you have any questions, please contact

**Friends of HSP must log in to this site to get the discounted pricing prior to submitting a request.

Please describe your research request. Tell us: A) what you already know, such as locations and likely religious affiliation (if known); B) what you’d like to find out; C) a summary of where you’ve already looked, such as, census, etc.
Files must be less than 64 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg gif png txt doc docx xls xlsx csv pdf ppt pptx pps ppsx odt ods odp mp3 mov m4v mpeg avi ogg oga ogv wmv.