We are very excited to announce that the Historical Society of Pennsylvania has been awarded funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in support of Phase III of the Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories! Beginning in November 2014 and continuing through April 2016, Phase III will expand the project's scope to include more types of repositories with significant archival holdings, provide training opportunities and information-sharing sessions for small repository staff and volunteers, and promote HCI-PSAR as a national model. To learn more about Phase III, see the official press release here.
If your organization, or another one you're aware of, might meet our criteria for inclusion in HCI-PSAR Phase III, please nominate it in the comments section below! The organization should:
- be a non-profit located in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, or Philadelphia counties;
- have significant (historically important and/or extensive) archival holdings that are available to the public for research;
- have its archival materials relatively organized, or at least kept separate from current records;
- not have a full-time, professionally-trained archivist on staff.