Curriculum Contest Announced

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Curriculum Contest Announced

2013-02-01 10:55

Do you teach financial literacy or the history of early 20th century reform movements?  Do you work with your students on skills for the 21st workplace like work ethic and stewardship? Have you included the idea and history of thrift in those lessons, or would like to?  Then enter our Teaching Thrift Curriculum Development Contest by May 15 and win cash prizes.

At the Thrift Week Luncheon, January 29, HSP announced this exciting new contest. Teachers K12 may submit their lesson plans for a one period lesson or a short unit of a few day. To qualify, teachers need to register (follow this link to the registration section), use content from the fall issue of Legacies about thrift, integrate primary sources from HSP, and submit their plan in the format provided. We will award one grand prize at $2,000 and up to four runner-up prizes at $1,000 each. Plus the five winning teachers will become the core of the freshman class of the 2013 Thrift Summer Teacher Institute to be held at HSP July 14th-18th.

We'll be looking for your submission soon!  Remember May 15 is the deadline.


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