Items Now in HSP's French North America Collection [de la Roche fund]

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Items Now in HSP's French North America Collection [de la Roche fund]

2020-09-10 11:13

For more information on HSP's holdings, please see our online catalog, Discover.

Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont by Joseph Boyden

F 1060.9 .B69 2013

Les 21,000 Premiers Immigrants(tes) Arrivés au Port d’Halifax, Canada by Michel Laliberté

INDEX CS 88 .L35 1996

It Happened in Maine by Gail Underwood Parker

UME F 19.6 .P36 2013

Indian Days in the Canadian Rockies by Marius Barbeau

E 77 .I41 v. 9 no. 9

Andris Souplis 1634-1726 by Andrew Righter Supplee

Fa 929.2 S9598s 2019

Crescent City Silver

NK 7112 .C728 1980

Revolutionary Brothers by Tom Chaffin

E 332.2 .C45 2019

Haute Cuisine: How the French Invented the Culinary Profession by Amy B. Trubek

TX 652 .C32 no. 306

The Oysters of Locmariaquer by Eleanor Clark

TX 652 .C32 no. 301

Cooking in Old Créole Days by Célestine Eustis

TX 652 .C37 no. 332


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