For more information about HSP's holdings, please see our online catalog, Discover.
Buildings of the District of Columbia
UDC NA 735 .W3 S36 1993
HT384 .U5 J33 1985
PN1991.3 .U6 W35 2004
UDC F198 .J33 1995
Maryland, a Middle Temperament
UMD F181 .B85 1988
A Battlefield Atlas of the American Revolution
E230 .S96 1986
The Washington D.C. Art Review
UDC N845 .G4
UDC F194 .W34 1988
Greenbelt : History of a New Town, 1937-1987
UMD F189 .G7 W55 1987
The Washington Historical Atlas
UDC F195 .B47 1992
UDC HT168 .W3 U52 1977
UMD F181 .W37 1984
Old Washington D.C. in Early Photographs, 1846-1932
UDC F195 .R3 1980
E185.6 .C92 1987
UDC NA 127 .W2 G87 1976
PN6231.N6 O95 1999
HT352 .U6 S75 1988
F 187 .P8 O38 2003
UDC F204 .C2 B66 1988
Mathew Brady and the Image of History
TR140 .B7 P36 1997