The Wharton Esherick Museum is a non-profit organization founded in 1971 to preserve and exhibit Wharton Esherick's unique, self-designed and self-furnished studio/home in Malvern, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Wharton Esherick (1887-1970) was a sculptor who worked primarily in wood, readily extending his unique forms to furniture, furnishings, utensils, interiors and buildings, creating sculptural environments. He has been called the link between the Arts and Crafts Movement and the resurgent interest in furniture making following World War II, the dean of American craftsmen, and the foundation of the current Studio Furniture Movement. The Wharton Esherick Museum holds about 10 linear feet of papers of Wharton Esherick and his immediate family, including photographs, work documentation, correspondence, financial papers, publicity clippings, and other materials that primarily document Esherick's work and to a lesser extent his personal life and the personal life of his immediate family. The Museum also holds a smaller collection of research files on Esherick compiled by Susan R. Hinkel.