A Brief History of Pennsylvania Peaches

Home History Online Media Library Images A Brief History of Pennsylvania Peaches

A Brief History of Pennsylvania Peaches

Tue, 2014-09-02 16:55 -- sduda@hsp.org

This photo album is part of the blog series, A Philly Foodie Explores Local History, which connects Philadelphia history with food-related treasures uncovered in the archive of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 

As Franklin County produces some of Pennsylvania's finest peaches, series author Sarah Duda was excited to find a recipe for "Peach Ice Cream" in a 1910 copy of The Franklin County Cookbook at HSP.  "A few weeks ago, my family’s farm began selling Chambersburg peaches. I have been craving summer peaches ever since. During my college summers working farm stands in the Pittsburgh area, more than a few customers caught me with peach juice rolling down to my elbows when daily business had slowed. This historic cookbook’s recipe for peach ice cream ended up pulling me into Pennsylvania peach history. I was impressed to learn of the economic significance of the fruit, detailed in two agricultural bulletins from 1896 and 1913, as well as peach production during the Civil War."  Explore a brief history of Pennsylvania peaches in the following photos!

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