Do you use family history in your classroom as a way of personalizing history lessons? Or do you, the teacher, want to create your own family tree outside of the classroom? Either way, HSP has many resources for you.
If you choose the red "Genealogists & Family Historians" box on our home page, you will be guided to the resources. Here we promote our spring and fall series of genealogy workshops, give you a quick link to the "Roots and Branches" blog, and link to an essay about how to get started. The first link at the top of the page - Genealogical Resources - goes to a page that tells you about he kinds of records we have that can be used in doing family history. There are also two other particular services to point out: Research-by-mail whereby you pay us to do the searching through our sources and free use of for our members.
Share with us how you use family history in the classroom. Do any of these resources help? What new ones could you use?