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New in the Library

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Author Cary Hutto

If you're doing research on historical cooking or are interested in regional food and recipes, be sure to check out some of the books in HSP's culinary history collection. Links to new books are below, but plenty more can be found in our online catalog Discover.

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Author Cary Hutto

Our general library collection grew a little more just recently. Check out these new books that are now available. The links will take you to our online catalog Discover, where you can continue your search.

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Author Cary Hutto

Our genealogical collections keep growing and growing! Below are links to several new titles that were recently added to the library. Check out these and many more items in our online catalog Discover.

Topics : Genealogy
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Author Cary Hutto

Several new books were recently cataloged in our reference section, which is open to all library patrons. If you're interested in one of the books below, click on the link for more ifnormation from our online catalog Discover, or come to HSP to check it out for yourself!

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Author Cary Hutto

New books relating to Pennsylvania's history were recently added to our library. Among them are church records, genealogical sources, and general history books. Clicking on the links below will take you to our online catalog Discover where you'll find many more of our books and manuscripts to aid you in your research.

Topics : Pennsylvania
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Author Cary Hutto

Are you searching for a particular biography? HSP might have just what you need! We have a large biographical collection to which these books were recently added. Click on the links below for more information from our online catalog Discover.

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Author Cary Hutto

Many new genealogical books and microfilms have made their way into our library recently. Below are some of the new titles patrons will find on the shelves and in our online catalog Discover.  Click the links for more information.

Topics : Genealogy
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Author Cary Hutto

Here's the rundown of a few new books that were recently cataloged into HSP's Balch Ethnic Studies collection.  Clicking on the links will take you to our online catalog Discover, where you can easily access the society's collections of books and manuscripts.

Topics : Ethnic history
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Author Cary Hutto

Here are a few new books related to the history of Pennsylvania that were recently cataloged and are now available to researchers.  Be sure to click the links and check out our online catalog Discover for further information and search results.

Topics : Pennsylvania
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Author Cary Hutto

If you're researching the history of the American Indian, HSP's library may have just what you need, including these new books that were recently cataloged.  Click on the links for more information from our online catalog Discover.

Topics : Native American
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