In this lesson, students will reflect on what they have learned, and examine how the Ninth Street Market pertains to their own lives.
Analyzing Experiences: The Ninth Street Market

Analyzing Experiences: The Ninth Street Market
Essential Questions
Students will be able to:
- Reflect upon their experiences in the 9th Street Market through think-pair-share.
- Assess their understanding of vocabulary words and concepts through an oral vocabulary examination.
- Construct a brief biographical essay based upon a vendor they interviewed the day before, using the terminology discussed in class and using a 1st person perspective.
Other Materials
Suggested Instructional Procedures
1. Springboard (5 min):
-Teacher will ask students to turn to a partner and recall three new things they learned about the 9th Street Market during the trip the day before. Upon each partner listing their 3 things, each pair will match up with a second pair and the process will continue.
-Teacher, upon seeing most of the class complete the activity, will ask for specific hands to be raised and experience recalled, inviting other students to comment as well.
2. Focus (5 min):
-Teacher will allow students a chance to review notes on the concepts and vocabulary words discussed during the previous 2 days. Teacher will alert students to the kind of auditory exam they will be taking.
3. Summative Exam (30 min):
-Teacher will introduce writing prompt, fleshing out concepts needed to complete the essay. Teacher will make available a time for questions about structure of exam.
-Teacher will encourage students to raise hands with questions, and will proctor the exam while walking around the room, but mostly behind students (to avoid distractions)
-Teacher will alert students that, upon completion, they must raise their hand and have the teacher collect the exam. This way, teachers can see if students completed each section and encourage students to finish their exams.
4. Questions/Comments/Concerns (10 min):
-Teacher will ask students, en masse, how the exam felt and which questions proved harder than others. This does many things. It breaks the barrier of communication usually associated with exam taking and enlightens teacher on effective methodologies to use.
Immigrant: A person who migrates from one country to another, usually seeking permanent residence.
9th Street Market: A collection of cultural food stores and shops at the corner of Market Street and 9th Street that, over time, expanded to reflect the cultural and social patterns of the inhabitants of Philadelphia.
Vendor: A person or agency that sells a good or product.
Cultural Hearth: The point or area of origin from which the cultural attributes of a group diffused
Ethnicity: The state of belonging to a specific kind of cultural group based on social, geographic, or religious categories.
Plans in this Unit
Grade Level
Standards/Eligible Content
About the Author
This lesson was created by Jennifer Coval and revised by Marc Brasof. Updated for SAS by Ethan Fried, Education Intern, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
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