Mad Men Cocktail Party
Date posted: 2/7/14
Creating Thrift Curriculum Teacher Institute 2013
Date posted: 7/30/13
Ales of the Revolution
The Young Friends of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania partnered with the Chemical Heritage Foundation and Yards Brewery to present First Friday: Ales of the Revolution on June 7, 2013. Date posted: 6/10/13
Samuel Powel: Patriot, Tory, or Neither?
HSP and Landmarks partnered to present Samuel Powel: Patriot, Tory, or Neither? At a lecture given on May 30, 2013, at the Powel House, author David Maxey discussed Samuel Powel and his al Date posted: 5/30/13
As part of the 2013 Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts , HSP partnered with Sebastienne Mundheim of White Date posted: 4/15/13
Capital of the World
Charlene Mires discussed her book, Capital of the World: The Race to Host the United Nations, at the Philadelphia History Museum on April 3, 2013. Date posted: 4/13/13