The Scrapbook of Edith Madeira & PHL's Connection to the Red Cross' Commission to Palestine.
Celebrations of the hard work and sacrifice of emergency medical services personnel have marked this year's National EMS Week. Date posted: 5/29/15
Meet the Speakers - Before Stonewall: The Gay Pride Movement
July 4, 1965, Philadelphia, PA - 7 women and 33 men picketed in front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. On the very spot where Americans first asserted their rights and liberties, this small gr Date posted: 5/26/15
First Wednesdays Coffee
Take a break from your research and mingle with our staff and research fellows over a free coffee and baked goods at our First Wednesdays Coffee! On the first Wednesday of every month, th Date posted: 5/26/15
Artist Embedded: Their Story; Our Story - African American Women and the Fight for Freedom
Date posted: 5/15/15
Meet the Speakers: Voicing the Absent
On Apr. Date posted: 5/15/15
New Century Trust's 2015 Willing Hands Award Ceremony
Date posted: 3/31/15