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Thrift Week Teacher Workshop and Luncheon

On January 26, 2013, the Historical Society hosted the Thrift Week: Engaging Students in Thrift Teacher Workshop and Luncheon.

Date posted: 1/31/13
Franklin's Thrift: A Summer Teacher Institute 2012

Is Thrift an idea that defines American qualities, or just an old fashioned concept that has no place in modern America?  

Date posted: 12/3/12
History in Pennsylvania Awards 2012

The 2012 History Affiliates luncheon and first annual History in Pennsylvania "HIP" Awards was held at the Union League of Philadelphia on October 19, 2012.

Date posted: 10/22/12
A Shaken and Stirred Evening: How the American Cocktail Went Global

On September 27, 2012, the Young Friends of HSP hosted "A Shaken and Stirred Evening: How the American Cocktail Went Global".

Date posted: 10/1/12
In Memory of Esther Ann McFarland

On June 26, 2012, HSP hosted a reception in memory of author and historian Esther Ann McFarland.

Date posted: 6/27/12
Maps of Early America

On June 14, 2012, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania hosted an event titled "Maps of Early America" with guest lecturer Joseph Garver of Harvard University.

Date posted: 6/25/12
