This article was published in the fall 2018 issue of Pennsylvania Legacies (vol. 18, no 2): Protest in 1960s Pennsylvania.
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This Author's Posts
Protest in 1960s Pennsylvania: Book Reviews and Online Resources
The Fall 2018 of Pennslvania Legacies highlighted 1960s protest in the Keystone State. Want to learn more? Check out some recently published books and online resources exploring the turbulent Vietnam era—both in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States.
Tuesday, 2/12/19 2:09 pm |
Teachers’ Turn: Bringing the 1960s to the 21st-Century Classroom
The Sixties were a watershed in American history: societal norms were upended and civil rights were expanded; major protests, political assassinations, and devastating riots occurred, and young people were central to the action of the decade. As we move into what seems to be a new era of youth activism, today’s students will find resonance with their own lives and times as they learn about some of the milestone events that took place 50 years ago.
Monday, 2/11/19 3:23 pm
The “Original 9” before Title IX
For decades, pay inequality between men and women has been an issue in the business world, in entertainment, in politics, and in the sports arena. One collection at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania documents the efforts of several women to level the playing field in at least one of these areas: women’s tennis. One of the women represented in this collection is tennis player Billie Jean King, who may be most famous for her 1973 “Battle of the Sexes” tennis match in which she beat Bobby Riggs in three straight sets. But this match was only her second foray into the fight for gender equality—she first was a member of the “Original 9”.
Friday, 2/1/19 11:27 am
Campus Unrest in the 1960s: The Penn State Experience
In popular and scholarly accounts of the American 1960s, student protest looms large—and for good reason. The Vietnam War transformed many campuses into centers of opposition to American Cold War foreign policy. At the same time, campus protest turned millions of working-class Americans against “activist” universities that offended their sense of patriotism and refused them admission—while taking their tax dollars.
Friday, 2/1/19 10:34 am
Legacies for Kids: Books about Protest
These reviews were published in the fall 2018 issue of Pennsylvania Legacies (vol. 18, no 2): Protest in 1960s Pennsylvania. Book ReviewsBy Christopher A. Brown Thursday, 1/31/19 3:39 pm |
Contesting Miss America: The Boardwalk Protests of 1968
On September 7, 1968, two protests took place within blocks of one another on the boardwalk of Atlantic City, New Jersey, both giving voice to the growing disgust many Americans felt for the Miss America Pageant. Women’s liberationists objected to the ways it objectified women. Black activists from Philadelphia focused on its exclusionary racism. Both groups hoped that critiquing Miss America might result in meaningful cultural change.
Thursday, 1/31/19 2:32 pm
Civil Rights and the Rise of Frank Rizzo in 1960s Philadelphia
by Timothy J. Lombardo Friday, 1/25/19 2:01 pm
Informing Pennsylvania's Energy Future
Every type of American prime mover—the power to do work—has been harvested and used in Pennsylvania and, in the process of its use and management, has defined entire regions of the state. Exciting new scholarship is teaching us much about this important history while also pointing us to promising areas for future inquiry. Monday, 11/16/15 11:55 am
Goodbye HINT, Hello "Politics in Graphic Detail"
After two long years of poring through HSP's graphics collections, digitizing countless images, researching the history of political cartoons, playing around with high-tech image viewers, painstakingly encoding TEI, creating lesson plans and resources for educators, learning about RDF and metadata standards, and blogging, blogging, blogging, it is time for Historic Images, New Technologies (HINT) staff to sign off on this digital history project. Wednesday, 8/19/15 10:23 am
So Many Cartoons, So Little Time
With less than three months left on the Historic Images, New Technologies (HINT) project, we’ve more or less wrapped up our TEI encoding of political cartoons and are concentrating on getting our exhibit website working and on writing biographies and descriptions of the people, organizations, and symbols associated with our cartoons. Wednesday, 7/1/15 1:54 pm
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