Affiliate Organization Directory
Affiliate Organization Directory
Below is a directory listing of all History Affiliates members as 2013. All-volunteer, small, and mid-sized history and heritage organizations (budgets under $1.5 million) in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties in Pennsylvania are eligible to join History Affiliates.
Organizations denoted "Small Archival Repository" participated in HSP's Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories. More information on that project (made possible with funding by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation) is available by clicking here.
Note: Contact information has not been updated since 2013., though this directory still can serve as a guide to the historic resources of the region.
Chester County
Small Archival Repository
Montgomery County
Historic Site/House, Historical Society, Library/Archives
Small Archival Repository
Montgomery County
Historic Site/House, Miscellaneous
Small Archival Repository
Philadelphia County
Historic Site/House, Library/Archives
Small Archival Repository
Philadelphia County
Historic Site/House, Library/Archives
Small Archival Repository
Montgomery County
Historical Society, Library/Archives, Museum
Small Archival Repository